Promoting Your Website

If you have done a keyword research and picked the niche market where you can make money, chosen a domain name, web hosting and created your first site, then it's time to promote your site so you could receive traffic and start making money online.

We'll focus on free traffic generation methods here to show you that you still can make money even by using free marketing methods.

So far, you have spent as little as $20 ($8 for a domain name for one year and $12 for cheap and quality hosting for one year). And that's it… You have invested enough money into your basic online business that will bring you sales in the future.

All you have to do now is to promote your website online using free methods (which are very effective by the way…) and start making money from the internet.

The first website promotion method you should focus on is article submissions. It doesn't cost a thing and it's quite effective.

Article Submission

Submitting articles to article directories is a great method of building links and traffic to your site. But you should remember that one or two articles are not enough. Writing articles and submitting them to article directories should be continuous task.

When you'll have 40 or 50 articles submitted to various directories and websites, they'll keep bringing you traffic and keep your search engine rankings high for many years in the future.

You should keep in mind that articles are good for several reasons. They'll show you as an expert in your niche, so people will be more likely to order from you.

They'll bring direct traffic from websites and directories. They'll increase your search engine rankings if you include back links in your article resource box.

You should write quality and informative articles. If you write good article, many people will be glad to post it on their websites and give you a backlink.

You can find many article directories in the search engines.

Simply type in:

“article directory”

“submit article”

“article directory list”

You'll come up with many websites that allow you to submit your articles. You should find various article directory lists in websites or forums too.

Link Exchanges

Link exchanges are still good method for getting links to your website. Many say that link exchanges are outdated and don't work, but it's not true. They still work. It's just little harder to acquire links this way… But if you keep working at it, you may find many link exchange partners that will trade links with you.

Link exchanges are good for traffic and search engines too. If you trade links with some quality websites, then their link might bring you quite decent traffic for many years. And of course, quality links will boost your search engine rankings too.

Just don't try to trick your partners by giving them JavaScript encoded links or links with “no follow” tag, which tells search engines to ignore the link. Don't bury your links pages deep in your site. Make it accessible from the first page as a resource to your visitors.

Make your links page related to your site's content. Don't put links about gambling, diet pills or sports if your site is about mortgages. The more quality your links page looks like, the easier it will be to gain links.

Creating a Blog

You may also create a blog and submit some content to make few posts. Then submit that blog to various blog and RSS directories. For a list of RSS directories go to:

If your blog is often updated, you might quickly get some good search engine rankings and make some sales.

You may submit your blog to blog directories, exchange links with other related blogs or submit articles to directories with links back to your blog. This will definitely help your blog rank higher in the SERP's.

You may then put affiliate links or Adsense ads on your blog and generate some profit this way. You may also put a link to your website and gain some more traffic.

A link to your site from your blog will also increase your site's search engine rankings.

You may create a free blog at:

Viral Marketing

You can create a free e-book or report about your chosen topic and offer that report to download from your site. You may allow other people to pass the report to others and this way creates viral traffic.

You may submit your e-book to various e-book directories and get some more traffic this way. If your report is good enough, people will pass it on to each other and this will bring you some traffic in the future.

You may decide to include some affiliate links in your ebook, but this isn't a good idea if you're not planning to make your ebook brandable.

Brandable means that other people can change links in the ebook to their own affiliate ID's and make money this way.

If you put your affiliate links in your ebook and ask other people to use your ebook or report on their sites or newsletters, there's little chance that they'll agree. Why would they promote you for free? What's in it for them? Just content isn't enough anymore.

So, if you have some affiliate links in your ebook, make it brandable and allow others to include their links in your report.

They'll be more likely to promote your content if they'll get something out of it.

You may promote your website or some free e-course in the end of your ebook or at the end of every page, like in this report. So you'll get some advantage too.


As you see, there are some ways to make money online and start business with very little cost. So far we have spent $8 on a domain name, and $12 for a year of web hosting. This totals to $20. That's how much it costs to start a business and make a few sales from the internet within a period of one year.

Of course, if you have more money, there are much more things you can do, including PPC, banner advertising, buying links for rankings and traffic, paying someone to create content for you, paying for auto responder and so on…

But the point here is to show you that it is possible to invest as little as $20 into a web business and start making some money online.

Of course, we're talking only about money here, but not time. Time is just as important as money. Sometimes even more…

In this case (shoestring budget case), you are wasting your time to make money. When you'll start making a decent amount of money, you'll see that sometimes it's best to waste some money in order to save your time.

Ok. I hope you've found this report useful… I hope that even if you have some advertising budget, you won't overlook these free promotional methods for advertising your online business.

As some people say: “The best traffic is free traffic!”

So if you have some time to spend, but little money to invest, take a closer look at these free internet marketing methods, because they are very powerful.


All the Best for your successful Online Business!
