How to Start Your Small Internet Business


In this report, you'll discover how to start your internet business with just $20 in your pocket. You'll discover some strategies that you can use in order to start and promote your small web business online.

The point here is for you to realize that you can start your business for as little as $20 dollars, but not limit yourself to that. If you have a start-up budget, do use that to your advantage. But if you're on a shoestring budget and can't afford lots of money on PPC or banner advertising, then this report is for you.

I'll try to make it as short as possible, because I'm sure that you're probably reading tons of material on the internet and do not have time to read hundreds of pages of information. So we'll cover the whole process of starting your web business, from choosing a domain name to promoting products or services.

I hope you'll find this report useful and start implementing some strategies into your own web business if you haven't done that already.

Keyword Research and Niche Market

The very first step you should make is to find a niche market where you want to operate in. This is actually very important step. If your niche isn't cluttered, meaning there's a demand and little supply (enough traffic, but not too many competitors) it will be much easier to dominate it. It will require less work.

If you choose very competitive niche market, then you'll have to work much harder in order to get top search engine rankings for example. But don't let that discourage you. You can make money in almost any niche. All it matters is how hard you're willing to work. Forget fairy tails about folks who jump in internet marketing arenaand within few weeks reach $5,000 a month bar. These people are extremely lucky,or they have tons of money to invest.

If you don't have a big budget to invest into marketing and your web business, thenread this entire report, cause you'll discover how to start your web business for as little as $20 and promote it using absolutely free methods.

Niche Market

There are two ways to go about it. You may choose a topic that you know a lot about and that you're passionate about… or choose a topic that you don't know anything about, but you see that there's a good potential in that market. Of course it's always better to choose a topic you know a lot about, but if your favorite topic doesn't seem to have a big market, then it isn't worth going there.

So if you don't have a profitable topic, then simply do a little research. You may find one easily. There are lots of free keyword research tools around.

Overture, Google Suggestion tool, and some free keyword research software will help you to choose a niche market with demand. Type in your chosen key term and see how many searches there are in Overture. Also type them in Google and see what the global search trends for your keywords there are.

If your chosen keyword has more than 5000 searches a month according to Overture, then you might pick this market and start promotion in your chosen niche. Otherwise, it might be not enough traffic for you to capture from search engines and make a profit.

Of course, you should look at how many competitors there are for a given keyword or key phrase. If you see more than 5 million pages competing in Google for a given search term, then it will be very hard getting into the top of search engines rankings.

However, less than 2 million pages wouldn't be so much for you if you determine to work hard towards top rankings.

The Goal of Your Site

You should determine what's the purpose of your site? Is it to gather Adsense clicks, provide useful information and hope that people will buy something you recommend, or sell a product on front page?

In the beginning, you aren't probably going to create your own product and release it to the market. It requires more time and more money. So the easiest solution is to choose affiliate programs and promote other people's products or services for a commission.

Affiliate Products

However, if the niche market is high-ticket items ($300, $1000 and above…) then I twill be harder to sell such products for a commission. Besides, commissions on expensive items are usually extremely low: 5% or 10%.

So if you sell an item for $1000, you get only $50 bucks.

Doesn't look so attractive anymore right?

On the other hand low ticket items, especially digital products have much higher commissions. You can go to and see that most of the digital products there, offer 50% or more commissions.

So if you sell a $100 item, you'll get the same $50 bucks.

But what do you think is easier to sell, a thousand dollar product or an e-book that costs less than $100? Of course it's the low ticket-item.

As an affiliate you won't make a lot by selling digital cameras for example, because they offer about 2% or max 10% commissions. So if you're thinking about having a site that sells affiliate products, you might go into other niches that still have demand, but provide higher commissions than 20% or 30%.

So when you choose a niche market, think about the products you're going to promote and the purpose of your site.

Adsense Clicks

If you have heard enough Adsense success stories and think about Adsense clicks, then you might go into any profitable market, like:


Credit cards


Weight loss


Digital cameras

And so on… You get the idea, right.

If the company can make lots of money from that market, then they'll bid top dollar for Adwords clicks and you might get a portion of that from Adsense. So if your main target is - Adsense, then you might pick one of those markets or try some high CPC keywords that people post on forums or other websites.

Many people will tell you that high paying Adsense keywords are complete garbage and you shouldn't pay attention to them. Others say that only by discovering high paying keywords, you can make some money from Adsense.

You know… They're both right…

First of all, profitable markets or niche markets usually have lots of competitors. The more competitors profiting from that niche, the higher the CPC in Adwords. So high paying keywords like the ones below, will have high CPC, even higher than $10 or$30 a click.

“web hosting”

“web design”


“bad credit mortgage”

But here's the point where another camp is right (the one, which says that all high paying keywords aren't necessarily going to bring you lots of money)…

Adwords advertisers aren't stupid. They simply turn-off “content network” in order to get higher CTR and better rankings.

“Content network” is an option in Google Adwords that allows advertisers to show their ads on other people's websites, aka Adsense.

Let's say an advertiser pays $5.00 a click for a keyword “prescription diet pills”. His Adwords campaign has “content network” turned-on. Now people who have similar content on their sites will display this advertiser's ads. If visitors click on this advertiser's ad from Adsense website, the Adsense site owner will get a portion of that $5.00. Nobody knows how much is that. Some say 50%, 30% or 60%. It depends on the CTR of the Adsense website.

Ok, but it's not so beautiful as it seems at the first glance.

As mentioned before, Adwords advertisers aren't stupid and they usually turn-off“content network” in their campaigns.

Why you ask?

Because they get much lower CTR (click through ratio) from content sites, than Google search ads or Google's Network ads.

Why they care about CTR?

Because the lower the CTR, the more money they'll have to pay for clicks. Higher CTR will result in better campaign's quality score, which means that advertiser, will pay less money per click and will get higher positions in search engines.

So savvy advertisers simply turn-off “content network” and their ads don't show on your or some other Adsense publisher's site. Google even allows Adwords advertisers to set separate prices for web search and content network results.

It's obvious that many will select much lower prices for “content network”, because clicks from content (Adsense) sites is much less targeted than from web search.

Why should someone pay $30 for a less targeted click, when they can pay that money for the most targeted click? Everybody is concerned about the effectiveness of their advertising. They don't want just to waste their money on unproductive advertising.

Again, it isn't so bad as it sounds.

Not all Adwords advertisers are so concerned about Adsense sites. Some receive positive ROI from Adsense site clicks. Some simply don't know what that “content network” means and they'll pay top dollar without knowing how to optimize their campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

There are many cases.

So those who say that you shouldn't search for top paying keywords are right in this case. You never know which advertisers have “content network” on and who have turned it off. The rule of thumb here is to go to Google and see how many advertisers there are for a given keyword.

If there are over 70 advertisers for a particular keyword, then it's a lot. It means that some of those will definitely promote their ads on Adsense sites. It means that you'll be able to display their ads and get some clicks. You should search for a keyword that has lots of advertisers. The more advertisers there are the more chances that some of those will be advertising on Adsense sites.

So in the end, it's just a “cat in a bag” game. You never know which keywords will bring you lots of money… Profitable markets are definitely worth looking at, but they also may not guarantee you top dollar. No one knows what systems Google uses for Adwords or Adsense programs.

If you decide to choose Adsense for your site, then create lots of content and try to gain high CTR. Some people report that the higher the CTR for Adsense ads you have, the more dollars you'll get from those clicks. CTR should be your main aim. Some people get as much as 50% CTR for Adsense. Yep, every second person who comes to the site clicks on Adsense ads. So there's always a room for you to improve.